


After getting some work done early this morning, I took a quick power nap.  I got the text around 2PM that Monika, Ladislav and Jiri were waiting for me to go out exploring. You see – we were headed outside of the city of Prague to do some urbex photography.  The guys knew of a abandoned Soviet base about 40 minutes from the city.  I’m talking like, buildings upon buildings… an entire compound.. just went…

(you can vote on this image in 500px by clicking here) One of the things that I am excited about on this short trip to Germany and Prague is to be able to fully stretch and play in terms of my HDR Photography.  I’m in the middle of writing the second edition to The HDR Book, and I figured this would be a good time to get out and get some new images to have…

Not really.. but man was this really fun!  We have been spending some time over at the Lumia Zeiss workshop doing a full tour of the area where they hand make all of the lenses.  That said, I didnt expect Joseph Kohnle (Director of Production for the Camera Lens Division) to actually let us scrub in and check out the lens facilities!  A big thanks to Joseph, Sandra, and all of the folks at Zeiss…

While I was out in Portland, Maine couple of weeks ago, my buddy +julia Took me out to Old Port for some #Photography.  As we were headed out for some grub, I saw this cool building I wanted to take an #HDR  picture of.   #Nikon  Coolpix A.  Done.  I just digged the green and orange colors coming from the ends of the frame.