Over the weekend, I flew up to Atlanta, GA to tape a class with Zack Arias for Kelby Training. While sitting in the hotel, I scoured locations to work on some HDR images. The HDR Book did so well, I am in the process of working on a second edition for it. I want to make sure that I add new ideas, new thoughts, new ways of processing your stuff in Photoshop – so im excited about that.

(in my opinion, the part of HDR that people really need to pay attention to. Truthfully, a monkey could tonemap images these days.. thats not really the part that requires skill).

So, while out there, I stumbled onto a old prison. That in of itself was kinda neat – but got disturbingly creepy when I got to these areas that looked like some form of closet/solitary confinement area. Most of the time when I go to these places, im by myself. I’m usually of the opinion that if I run into something, theres going to be some furniture moved around the place. Seeing this though made me tingle… I didnt spend a lot of time there after that. 🙂



  1. Victor Clarke


    Suggest you also show how to process in Lightroom. Many of us don’t use photoshop.


  2. johnathon shell

    I would have made like Shaggy. Sound effect and all.

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