We were sitting at Au Bon Pain at Laguardia airport waiting for our early AM flight. To the left of us there was this lady sitting comfortably enjoying her breakfast. She was this lady that just had the most relaxed look about her. Very easy to just sit there and soak up her energy. 

We are about to leave, so I get all the trash ready. As I go to put it away she pulls Jenn in and tells her something. Jenn beams a smile and just shakes her hand. 

When I was back they are still holding hands. She looks as me and says “it’s been 261 days since I am cancer free and I am going home” 

I could not be happier for Linda…

We share a couple of our stories with her, with Linda confidently saying “things WILL be better. This I know. It can all be better. I am proof !”  

Sabine didn’t know what to think of all of it, but she was given the best message this morning. 

We should never lose sight of our good fortune. There are others that are hurting that really puts what we have in perspective. In watching Linda we get to see true grace in the face of adversity. 

And things will be better … 


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