A very happy day for me today! I just got the first copies of the fourth book that I was working on over the summer, The Enthusiast’s Guide to Lightroom by Rocky Nook. This book is designed to give you the things that I think are the most important things to consider when working with Adobe Lightroom. I cannot thank the folks at Rocky Nook enough for working with me while writing two back to back books – it really came out well!

What The Book Is About

The book is broken down into 55 individual principles you should keep in mind, and cover every section in the Lightroom workflow.  From importing your images, to the creation of Collections and Collection Sets.  Developing your images quickly to using next level effects. Creating slideshows or things to consider for printing – each principle teaches you how to best setup Lightroom to work for you. Additionally, you get exercise files that you can use to follow along and learn.

Where To Get The Book

The book is now available anywhere books are sold!  Check out the Rocky Nook Website, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon.  As I start moving around touring in support of the book, I’m sure I will find myself running into a Barnes and Noble and some some Guerilla book signing sessions there.  Obviously, if you are in the Tampa area and want to pick one up here in the studio, we may even get to sit down and have some coffee to chat about it. 🙂



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