Making Crepes

About a year ago I started noticing that my day started of very frenetically…

I would immediately jump out of bed and try to wage war against the rising tide of emails and meetings. I could deal with them in a few hours but for some reason I felt like these were all things that I needed to do right then and there. The more I did it the more stress I felt doing it.

All the while I felt like I was ignoring my kid, patiently waiting to see if I would put down the coffee and spend a couple of minutes with her before I started the whole “ok daddy now has to go to work” speech.

The stress didn’t help – and not spending time with the person I see most important just added to it. I needed to just stay unplugged and try something different.

I had always wanted to try making crepes but for some reason I thought that it would be entirely too involved. One night I said “that’s it. I’m changing this..”

I searched online on YouTube and found a recipe called Beth’s Foolproof Crepe Recipe. The following morning I put the plan to action….

Cup of flour? Check. Two eggs? Check. Butter? Check. Salt and sugar? Check.

I throw the butter in the pan and start melting it while I work through the other ingredients. By the time I work the ingredients the butter is melted and the pan is pre greased. Two birds with one stone.

Dry ingredients get mixed first

Wet ones are added after

Everything is mixed together into a very thin consistency.

A third of a cup works perfectly well for pouring batter.

I pour into the center of a pan with the power set to 2.

I then tip the pan to coat the entire bottom. The tortilla warmer will hold the finished crepes.

One flip when they are browning and they look good.

Once they are out- two get cinnamon and sugar. One gets powdered sugar. I do have an assortment of jams and jellies I can use but this seems like a good convo.


What does this give me?

  • I get a couple of minutes before everyone is awake where I can do something with my hands.
  • Working with something like cooking feels almost meditational and let’s me calm myself down before I start the day “plugged in”
  • I learned something new and feel like I can do something in the kitchen – which I didn’t feel before.

Most importantly – I get to connect with her. I would play Parisian music and do the whole thing up and I get to have a memory of her and I doing something rather than feeling like I’m brushing her aside for something that will be there an hour from now.

I’ve waffled on how religious I am about doing this in the mornings – but I need to use this picture to remind myself of just how important something as simple as crepes are

… To her. ..

…And for me.

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