Just a couple of days ago, a friend of mine – C – lost his wife at the age of 33 to Cancer. She was a wife, a daughter – and most important of all – a mother to a 5 year old little girl. The courage and bravery that this family has in the face of all of this should serve as a model for the world.
This sucks – on so many levels – and I cant help but just scream on the inside about how unfair Cancer is to the loved ones.
I took these pictures out in Dubai this past year and wanted to setup a print sale to help with her school fund or anything else the family would need. So – i’m asking you guys for some help in this.
Print Sale Details
There are two prints here that you can get. The one that you see in the start of the post, and this darker one before sunrise. I’m thinking of selling these as 3 different sizes to get as many people as I can to try to help.
5×7 Print – 75.00
8×10 Print – 100.00
17×22 Print – 300.00
These prints can be printed as big as 5 feet wide. That one was printed by ImageWizards on Aluminum – at around 5 feet. That one would be around $1000 dollars, plus the cost of printing/shipping (which I think we could get a discount on). To date, this is the only one of that size that I’ve done.. so that will be pretty limited.
The sale of these two prints will only ever be to do one thing – Help with a school fund for this little girl and help offset whatever this family needs. If you are interested in these prints, please email me at rc **at** aboutrc dot com with your request and we can talk about it.
If you can’t get a print to help, I would really appreciate it if you could do a couple of things for me:
- Please find someone that you think would want a print and share this post with them. Maybe they can help.
- Take a moment to go out of your way to do something kind for someone near you. We often think of helping in the big picture – donating to large causes or participating in mass events – when we are most needed by our neighbor.
- Hug your children. Call the ones you love. Regret is one of the worst feelings in the world, and we dont know how much time we truly have.
If you’d like to get additional details on their GoFundMe to make a separate donation, please message me personally.