For over 20 years- ever since leaving college- I had always dreamed of two things. First- I had always wanted to be involved in some way in photojournalism or something to do with News. Second- I had always wanted to be a college professor. I’ve had a love for education, and had spent years hoping I could one day return to it – but at a university level as a Professor.
Today is that day.
When it comes to Photojournalism and Visual Communications, one of the top institutions is the SI Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. I have officially accepted a position with Syracuse University at Newhouse, with a charge to teach undergraduate and graduate students digital skills in the Adobe Suite in addition to Multimedia Storytelling.
To add to this, I will be teaching alongside one of my photographic idols, and someone who has become a dear friend to me, Gregory Heisler.
I’ll be moving from Tampa to Syracuse within the next week and we are renting our house here in Tampa while we get our feet wet in this new adventure. Jenn, Sabine and I are excited to be able to start something new, in the backdrop of the mountains and lakes of northern NY.
I’ll still continue to do videos, have a studio, and work in the space. I’ll just had the great fortune of being able to add another goal to my list.
For that, I am grateful beyond words…